Monday, March 31, 2008

Week 3 & 4--March 17-19 & 25-28

I combined these two weeks in March. They were both abbreviated weeks due to spring break and it seemed to make more sense to lump them together. The theme for this post is access. Observations of my action research seems to suggest that ease to access is a big factor in the success of differentiating content. I currently offer versions of textbook reading in audio and visual on a class wiki. I record readings of the textbook as a podcast, upload it, and also distribute it in the class through I-pods during work time. The visuals are also posted on the class wiki in the forms of comics, using and slide shows, using either google docs , slide share, or existing youtube type videos. However, the visuals require the students to take initiative and go get them during their own time. According to the last survey, no students did this. In the future, I guess I need to bring these materials in to the class and not rely on students to use the options available during their own time.

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